Meet Nick, operations and marketing guru, appreciator of Kanye West and longtime employee of Laura Canada. Nick plays a vital role in optimizing Laura’s business process, always astounding us with his ability to shape & adapt strategy in the not-so-easy retail environment.

What’s the title of your position?
I’m the lead analyst in marketing and operations!
What does a lead analyst do exactly?
The retail industry is fast-paced and a company has to constantly adapt their business plan to not fall behind. I analyze all the divisions of Laura, mapping out where we can do better and partnering with the department leaders to make sure all the changes run smoothly. My role really is multi-faceted. One day I can be working on store labour and profitability–the next, in marketing. That’s what I love about it.
You’ve been at Laura for almost 6 years, how has the company evolved?
I’ve definitely noticed a shift in Laura’s attitude to embracing technology. This is particularly evident in their increased investment in the e-commerce department and updated website. Our decision making has also become more grounded in analytics–which as an analyst I love to see!
And the biggest challenge during your role?
At the beginning of my time at Laura I had to establish a reliable reporting system to ensure that communication was effective. I also had to train myself on old software that I had never used before–not easy!
What is your proudest career moment at Laura?
I always love when I make something existing a little more streamlined. I redesigned the employee incentive program to what it is today. This helped us bring in new and better talent which is the heart of every good organization.
What are you looking most forward to in 2018?
We’re going to be launching Custora (new CRM platform) in addition to redefining the client strategy with our operations team. It’s going to be a busy year, but a great one!
Quick Six
1. Who is your go to person for advice at Laura?
Stacey Gillis (Director of Finance). We go way back. I used to work in finance so there’s a couple of connections there!
2. What is your favourite colour?
3. Number one spot in Montreal?
Café Paquebot for the morning – Tuck Shop for anything afterwards.
4. Favourite clothing item?
My Chelsea boots by Common Projects (for the moment)
5. Who is your style icon/biggest inspiration?
Kanye West
6. Where are you going on your next vacation?
Scandinavia hopefully. I’m thinking Sweden, Copenhagen or Oslo.